Friday, April 13, 2012

Teeny Tiny Toothbrush

So I just got back from brushing my teeth with a tiny Toy Story toothbrush for ages 5-7. Why you may ask? Just got my wisdom teeth out, and I obviously can't brush over the stitches. That would be very dumb on so many levels. My face is also swollen, and it's a little entertaining, but at the moment my pain medicine is making me REALLY dizzy, and I'm a little scared! xD
I haven't posted all spring break because I thought I'd have something to do, but no. I've had wild parties with boys, though. Yeah, we went and killed a dragon, and then I got married to Balimund. Skyrim is the only place I have friends it seems! xD Just kidding. I've just not heard from a single one of my friends since Friday.
Earlier before spring break started Mojo informed me that Siha was looking for a prom date. And to that: I scoffed. For some reason I really don't care. I'm planning on going to prom, but I really just wanted to bring a little 80 year-old man. Too bad the age limit is 21 or something. Boo! I found an uberly cute dress that I will also wear to the con for the second day, part of my marionette outfit.
Speaking of the con, I got my cosplay in the mail. -.-
It was WAY too big, and it showed my bra and underwear when I put on the pannier. Plus the pannier showed below the skirt. So, I'm going to have to spend even more money getting it tailored. Unfortunate.
I hope I have enough money to buy everybody else stuff once I get there and still have a little left over to get myself some new clothes. -.-
I'm sooo dizzy...
and also man of the day!

So, my mom watches Dancing with the Stars. Can't stand that show, with all of those dumb ho-women dancing around in skimpy outfits when the men are all covered up. However, lately I've been sticking around a bit to watch this fine slice of man dance around. GOOD LORD HE'S SEXY! William Levy people. He is wonderful.

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