Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm back?

I haven't posted in a while, because my life has either been boring or irritating. I don't feel like complaining; I'm just trying to forget about this stupid math test!
So, here we are.
I went to my sister's play(s) the night before last. It was a dinner theater, so the Culinary Arts students at the college she goes to made dinner for us. I have now tried Gazpacho, and it is DELICIOUS!
I got locked out of my house yesterday, which was *so* fun. It really upset me but I got over it pretty quickly.
Lately I've been playing MyCandyLove, an online dating simulation. かわいい ですね!! It's super cute, but hard to play because you get ridiculously few Action Points, and you have to use two every time you go into a different room Dx. But it's still fun if you're patient.
But that's it. Still trying to decide if I'm going to prom or not. I want to: but I don't want to either.
Now I'm bored xD
And also...

Because I'm excited to see Dark Shadows... JOHNNY DEPP!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stupid Computer

This school computer is stupid. It lost my four page rhetorical analysis paper.
I just finished rewriting it.
So on Monday, Siha talked to me waaay to much. I can't stay mad at him D: He's to cute! It's unfair. He has an advantage xD
But oh well, because yesterday he went back to not saying a word to me. Peh.
I'm bored... I should do homework, but I've still got so much more time in this class! I can't do anything for 日本 class, because the rest of my assignments include speaking. I'm about to do my math work though, sense I have to stay on for language coaching for 2 hours tonight.
When did I become so boring???
I used to be fun! And go do things! But now I'm just all like bleh. Nothing to do, except homework and the very occasional video game. My friends don't ever want to do anything, and I don't go places alone...
oh well...
I'm not doing a man of the day today. I don't feel like taking the time to.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Teeny Tiny Toothbrush

So I just got back from brushing my teeth with a tiny Toy Story toothbrush for ages 5-7. Why you may ask? Just got my wisdom teeth out, and I obviously can't brush over the stitches. That would be very dumb on so many levels. My face is also swollen, and it's a little entertaining, but at the moment my pain medicine is making me REALLY dizzy, and I'm a little scared! xD
I haven't posted all spring break because I thought I'd have something to do, but no. I've had wild parties with boys, though. Yeah, we went and killed a dragon, and then I got married to Balimund. Skyrim is the only place I have friends it seems! xD Just kidding. I've just not heard from a single one of my friends since Friday.
Earlier before spring break started Mojo informed me that Siha was looking for a prom date. And to that: I scoffed. For some reason I really don't care. I'm planning on going to prom, but I really just wanted to bring a little 80 year-old man. Too bad the age limit is 21 or something. Boo! I found an uberly cute dress that I will also wear to the con for the second day, part of my marionette outfit.
Speaking of the con, I got my cosplay in the mail. -.-
It was WAY too big, and it showed my bra and underwear when I put on the pannier. Plus the pannier showed below the skirt. So, I'm going to have to spend even more money getting it tailored. Unfortunate.
I hope I have enough money to buy everybody else stuff once I get there and still have a little left over to get myself some new clothes. -.-
I'm sooo dizzy...
and also man of the day!

So, my mom watches Dancing with the Stars. Can't stand that show, with all of those dumb ho-women dancing around in skimpy outfits when the men are all covered up. However, lately I've been sticking around a bit to watch this fine slice of man dance around. GOOD LORD HE'S SEXY! William Levy people. He is wonderful.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Too much test

So I'm scared about this AP Lang and Comp test. Yep. Don't think I did to well; I ran out of time and I feel like my arguments were quite circular... There's no way for me to fix it just at lunch. Plus I'm going to be absolutely starving since I won't have any time to eat -.-... So I don't know what I'm going to do at all. I honestly think that I'd need to start all over again for it to not be complete crap. I hate school right now! Nothing is fun anymooore! I'm even tired of Siha.
Peh. Speaking of Sihas... I found Thane in ME3!!! On the character I romanced him with ^-^ He's dying :((( as he was in the second game, and it's so super sad D:! But he was so sweet! I love Thane.
Real people at the moment are proving to be incredibly unreliable.
My meme horoscope is true!
I am forever alone xD
At least my face isn't all red and burned anymore. It has already improved! Hopefully everything will be great before the con...
I just wish it would come sooner!!!
And also...

 LOL I would love to see your faces right now. Oh Thane, you are so awesome. You may be an amphibious alien species with an incurable disease, but you are truly awesome! I mean come on. He's a pretty alien at least! Not like the Krogan xD