Friday, March 2, 2012

Only at my school (and also videogames)

I get the point that getting people to donate money by playing an obnoxious song over the intercom is epic... but how long will this go on??? All week, I swear! I've already heard the Hamster Dance too many times in my life, they're just making it worse.
Anyway! :D
So I apparently have a lot of work to do again this weekend, but instead of working on that work, I'm sitting here blogging... yeah! >:D So much awesome, right? No, no I am just a sad little person, who desperately needs to get Mass Effect 3! I will also be volunteering, and starting art projects and stuff for said volunteering (I was attacked by the lady that takes in volunteers because of my punkloli Red Queen's Black Legion skort *すごい です ね!) so I expect it to be a busy little weekend.
And in the meantime, all I can think about is Siha (my most favorite boy in the wooorld). -.- I annoy myself to no end on occasion. I never talk to him anymore, so maybe I should just come out with it, and get it over with so I can stop obsessing over what to do.
I don't know!
It's times like this when I wish I was pretty.
But at least my (partial) book is being published, and released! >:D I figure that's something at least.  Still can't wait for ME3. Just saw the trailers last night and spazzed out to the max! It looks so epic, and from what I've heard: it will be much better than the last!
Oh well, that's all I have for today... I'm boring. :P
and also...

Look at dat body! He is so darn gorgeous, and he's a great actor and singer! A wonderful specimen, right there.


  1. It’s okay, I’m avoiding working on homework also. You got offered volunteer work for your skort?! That’s awesome! :) Madi-chan you’re amazingly pretty! I can’t wait to read your book (well, partial book). ME3 sounds fun ... something I’ll probably end up getting... maybe. Glad you had a good day... or at least somewhat good day.

  2. Lol yay! Neglecting homework is the best! I didn't really get offered, I just was offered special volunteer work xD! And thanks but I don't think so (BTW call me Loliskittle on here... very stealthy stalker reflecting skillz xD) and yessssss get the game! It'll be awesome I know it! ^-^

    1. You are SO gorgeous. SOOOOOO gorgeous! All you have to do is go up to Siha and talk to him. He'll love you just like the rest of us do. You should definitely ask him to prom. Just sayin.

    2. Ugh I'm soooo scared to ask him! >.< I totally want to....but it's too scary!
