Friday, May 11, 2012

Goin' to the Prom, Gonna Eat a Lot of Peaches

Not really.
I am going to the prom, but I doubt that there will be peaches to eat.
But yes, I got a super pretty prom dress that is two sizes too big for me, except in my chest. It fits on my chest. Luckily it's really flow-y, so it doesn't look big.
I do not have a date. Nobody asked me. I am not pretty enough! I am forever alone! And Siha has a date -.-... Which I care very little about.
Anyway. I haven't posted in forever! Too much work lately.
I returned to the Greek Restaurant a few days ago. The guy working there is still sooo cute. I daresay, even hot! o.o Apparently I'm jailbait and was creeping on him really obviously. That's according to my sister though. I'm almost 17, which means that my potential boyfriend's age can be up to 19! Ha! My mom unwittingly made this rule when she said that two years' different is okay. So... TAKE THAT! I don't like her calling me that; it's irritating.
But oh well.
I really have nothing more to say! It's so boring around here!!!
And man of the day... Bleh...

I was lazy, here's Lee Donghae! From Super Junior. I could have found better pictures, but I'm feeling lazy. He's cute. The end.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm back?

I haven't posted in a while, because my life has either been boring or irritating. I don't feel like complaining; I'm just trying to forget about this stupid math test!
So, here we are.
I went to my sister's play(s) the night before last. It was a dinner theater, so the Culinary Arts students at the college she goes to made dinner for us. I have now tried Gazpacho, and it is DELICIOUS!
I got locked out of my house yesterday, which was *so* fun. It really upset me but I got over it pretty quickly.
Lately I've been playing MyCandyLove, an online dating simulation. かわいい ですね!! It's super cute, but hard to play because you get ridiculously few Action Points, and you have to use two every time you go into a different room Dx. But it's still fun if you're patient.
But that's it. Still trying to decide if I'm going to prom or not. I want to: but I don't want to either.
Now I'm bored xD
And also...

Because I'm excited to see Dark Shadows... JOHNNY DEPP!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stupid Computer

This school computer is stupid. It lost my four page rhetorical analysis paper.
I just finished rewriting it.
So on Monday, Siha talked to me waaay to much. I can't stay mad at him D: He's to cute! It's unfair. He has an advantage xD
But oh well, because yesterday he went back to not saying a word to me. Peh.
I'm bored... I should do homework, but I've still got so much more time in this class! I can't do anything for 日本 class, because the rest of my assignments include speaking. I'm about to do my math work though, sense I have to stay on for language coaching for 2 hours tonight.
When did I become so boring???
I used to be fun! And go do things! But now I'm just all like bleh. Nothing to do, except homework and the very occasional video game. My friends don't ever want to do anything, and I don't go places alone...
oh well...
I'm not doing a man of the day today. I don't feel like taking the time to.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Teeny Tiny Toothbrush

So I just got back from brushing my teeth with a tiny Toy Story toothbrush for ages 5-7. Why you may ask? Just got my wisdom teeth out, and I obviously can't brush over the stitches. That would be very dumb on so many levels. My face is also swollen, and it's a little entertaining, but at the moment my pain medicine is making me REALLY dizzy, and I'm a little scared! xD
I haven't posted all spring break because I thought I'd have something to do, but no. I've had wild parties with boys, though. Yeah, we went and killed a dragon, and then I got married to Balimund. Skyrim is the only place I have friends it seems! xD Just kidding. I've just not heard from a single one of my friends since Friday.
Earlier before spring break started Mojo informed me that Siha was looking for a prom date. And to that: I scoffed. For some reason I really don't care. I'm planning on going to prom, but I really just wanted to bring a little 80 year-old man. Too bad the age limit is 21 or something. Boo! I found an uberly cute dress that I will also wear to the con for the second day, part of my marionette outfit.
Speaking of the con, I got my cosplay in the mail. -.-
It was WAY too big, and it showed my bra and underwear when I put on the pannier. Plus the pannier showed below the skirt. So, I'm going to have to spend even more money getting it tailored. Unfortunate.
I hope I have enough money to buy everybody else stuff once I get there and still have a little left over to get myself some new clothes. -.-
I'm sooo dizzy...
and also man of the day!

So, my mom watches Dancing with the Stars. Can't stand that show, with all of those dumb ho-women dancing around in skimpy outfits when the men are all covered up. However, lately I've been sticking around a bit to watch this fine slice of man dance around. GOOD LORD HE'S SEXY! William Levy people. He is wonderful.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Too much test

So I'm scared about this AP Lang and Comp test. Yep. Don't think I did to well; I ran out of time and I feel like my arguments were quite circular... There's no way for me to fix it just at lunch. Plus I'm going to be absolutely starving since I won't have any time to eat -.-... So I don't know what I'm going to do at all. I honestly think that I'd need to start all over again for it to not be complete crap. I hate school right now! Nothing is fun anymooore! I'm even tired of Siha.
Peh. Speaking of Sihas... I found Thane in ME3!!! On the character I romanced him with ^-^ He's dying :((( as he was in the second game, and it's so super sad D:! But he was so sweet! I love Thane.
Real people at the moment are proving to be incredibly unreliable.
My meme horoscope is true!
I am forever alone xD
At least my face isn't all red and burned anymore. It has already improved! Hopefully everything will be great before the con...
I just wish it would come sooner!!!
And also...

 LOL I would love to see your faces right now. Oh Thane, you are so awesome. You may be an amphibious alien species with an incurable disease, but you are truly awesome! I mean come on. He's a pretty alien at least! Not like the Krogan xD

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Oh my dearie

I'm bored at home this time -.-
I got to go to the Greek Restaurant today! >:D Saw the cutie! But I didn't really want to go. My face is red and flaky from the medicine T-T Bleh bleh bleh! I don't like it! But if it'll help, then whatever... It had better though!
I have an AP Lang and Comp test tomorrow. Not looking forward to it, but not particularly worried. I got a B on the last test while I was crying my eyes out xD The trick is to CRY AGAIN!!! It never fails! Lol yeah but in all seriousness: I hope I do well. We don't have enough time to thoroughly analyze things in my opinion, but we have little time to get to the AP exam level of writing, so I guess we have to make the most of each class period.
I've also run out of clothes.
And I got my mug back.
Oh yeah, and Siha popped up to talk to me today. Joy, joy. He doesn't know the meaning of personal space xD But I wasn't thoroughly excited... I think I'm getting bored with him.
He never talks to me anyway xD And when he does, it's to ask me about the Anime club that I disowned thanks to my school schedule. Meh.
Oh weeelll...
わたし わ まあまあ です。。。
and also...
Man of the day.

It is Hakuei!!! I am completely convinced that he's a total man-hoe (I mean look at those shorts), but he's awesome! He's the lead singer for Penicillin, and a model. His voice is unbelievably sexy to me.
He also had a great body (second picture) but sadly it's come out that he's not eating, and that he's been living a very unhealthy lifestyle. I wish he would take care of himself :(

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My mug!!!

I left my coffee mug in first period -.-
That is just absolutely disappointing! I don't know how I forgot, but chances are that my Chemistry teacher will screech and throw it at me tomorrow. xD
She's a bit of a strange one, but she's grown on me.
As for Siha... He is here today, and I saw him in the hallway and twitched. Dude! His hair looks adorable! It's all messy (unlike usual), and he looks tired. The point is, he looks super cute today and I still wanted to punch him in the face when I saw him... Not sure why.
I'm pretty sure I'm just in a bad mood when I'm at school and his cuteness bothers me.
But I also found such an AMAZING Japanese phrase that I will use only for evil. I don't know how it can really be used for good. おいしそうです。。。or stupid romaji; Oishisoudesu. Looks delicious. That is what it means, and Sir-Tight-Pants and I found it to be incredibly amazing. When Mojo walked up I proceeded to raise my eyebrows in a creepy manner and say it. It was quite funny. I'm tempted to say that and Siha and then run away while trying to keep a completely straight face, but every time I look at him I remember that he's irritating me.
My friends told me it was a girl thing, so I screamed, "WHY MUST I BE A WOMAN??? GROSS AND ANNOYING!"
Oh sometimes. Sometimes I wonder about my own sanity.
I've also been loopy all day! I got a lot of sleep last night, so after getting so little before it has me all messed up. Don't get me wrong; it is HILARIOUS! I laugh at this! It's great.
I'm done with my homework!!! I guess I should do some Japanese work... but I dun feel like it.
And also...

You know what... I don't feel like doing this. I'll be lazy.  It's Shuu from Girugamesh. Yay!!! Love him, for he is awesome. He looks adorable in the wide-rim glasses he wore and the concert. Poor guy thinks he's ugly :( I think he's adorable AND cool! He was sweet too.

Monday, March 26, 2012


I hate math.
Oh well, I am going to really try to do well on my next test.
And apparently Siha is back from NYC already. I don't know why but he's starting to annoy me... like completely. I don't know if it's just because I'm grumpy, or he really is annoying me. But the point is; I feel like smacking him at this very moment. Dx I feel bad, but it's true!!! I have no clue why! I think it may be just because I'm a grumpy pants. I couldn't get any sleep last night, so I'm very sleep-deprived, and grumpy. I really can't look anybody in the eye today. I usually have a slight problem with eye-contact, but I can't even look at people's ears when I'm talking to them today.
It's awkward talking to somebody while you're staring at your own feet.
I just want the con to hurry up!!! I'm cosplaying Blair from Soul Eater this year, since the last idea ended up failing. I was planning on getting her cosplay for a while, and I guess it'll be fun. I'm not really feeling it though...
I wish I could stop being in a bad mood xD
And also...
MAN OF THE day...

Ugh if you want more pictures... look him up yourself!! Everything for him is blocked on this school computer. He's Hiroki Narimiya. He's hot. The fact that everything is blocked may be due to the fact that he ran around naked in one of his movies. LOL

Friday, March 23, 2012

Evil little creature

Darn you Siha!!!
Meanie! Meanie beanie! >:( Ugh, well looks like I'm going to have another week of school without eye-candy sometime soon. I want to go to NYC SO BAAADDD!!! They have lolita stores there... Not fair. I could actually try on my clothes! They always end up being too big. -.-
Of course I can get some clothes at the con, but last year there were fewer clothing stalls. One of the few they had only consisted of slutty Alice in Wonderland Halloween costumes... I mean really???
Oh well. I will definitely be stalking Greekie sometime soon... Didn't get to do it yesterday or Wednesday. Instead my friend, Dreadhead and I went to the Japanese restaurant. My mom told me the guy would think that Dreadhead was my boyfriend, so I was like NEVER MIND!!! Lol, not that he'd find me awesome or pretty or anything, but you know!!!
I still care xD
He's still cute.
I also got coffee! And now I'm bored.
And also...

My friend Sir-Tight-Pants has chosen the man of the day today. He thinks Miyavi looks sexy in the second picture. Teehee xD Oh Sir-Tight-Pants... you are so great.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So, Siha came back yesterday, but I did not blog about it...
It was insane. I finally got my book that a few chapters of my story was in and I've been 'totally not advertising it to all of my friends'. Tomorrow is a half day >:D
I have to find someone to go to the Greek restaurant with to stalk the cute guy working in the kitchen... He's Greek >:3 actually Greek! Omg... He's super cute! I've had more than one little run-in with him. The first time I went there I saw him and was like "WE MUST COME HERE AGAIN!!!" Plus the food is delicious. Anyway, the second time we went, he brought us our food (I think I can't remember) and Momma and Sissy said they caught him 'looking at me'. I still don't think so; who would wanna oggle me? Apparently pedophiles.... ANYWAY!!!
The third time it was just me and Momma, and I saw him wandering around, and he didn't come out really until the very end. I was sad that he wasn't wandering around in my vision. But anyway, yet again, as we were leaving, me and my mom heard a little "Thank you!!! Come again!" And we looked back and he was in the Kitchen, almost hopping up and down grinning and waving. IT WAS ADORABLE!!! There are like nooo cute guys in our town, but darn... I found one. I'm good at that xD
So that's my story for today.
And also...

Gaspard Ulliel!!! He's a French actor and model... and boy is he HAWT! He was in "Paris J'taime", and I did a whole project on him back when I was still taking French! He was also in that incredibly stupid Chanel commercial. He looked hot in it.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Siha's back!

Update to Facebook status! Siha is back at his host home ^-^ I get to see him tomorrow!
I'm excited! I actually want to go to school so I can see him!!! :D He says he had a lot of fun, so even though he got to skip school for a week, I'm happy for him! He always works so hard it's good that he got to have a break!
Just the make-up work now...
Anyway! Enough about hiiim.
Weekend was okay. I had a 10 hour ME3 gaming session xD It was crazy! But my military strength is huge now, so hopefully if I keep going, I'll be able to get my Sheppy to live! ^-^
Also went to a birthday party, and it was super fun! We all sang very loudly and obnoxiously to karaoke songs (including Lady Gaga songs like Alejandro and Bad Romance) and it was hilarious. Instead of bad romance we said bad bromance.
Yay bromance!!!
But yeah that's it. Fun fun!
And also...

 Sadness... the cutest pic didn't make it! Oh well! It's Shin from ViViD ^-^ He's so cute and pretty! His voice is also wonderful... I could almost identify it as sexy, but he's too cutesy for that. ViViD Fan service is pretty awesome, by the way! xD

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bored babble

Well here I am... sitting in third period with no assignments left to do in Japanese. I'm so BORED! >:OOOO
So, I'm just going to insanely babble about absolutely nothing to the few friends who read this blog! The only thing that's up with me is missing Siha. He needs to run back! I wonder if he'll be even more super-tan. Lol that would be hilarious to see.
I DO have a busy weekend coming on ahead. Book release party, volunteering, birthday party, Japanese midterms, and homework in other classes of course! I could be doing some of that work right at this very minute... but I really don't feel like it! It's just one of THOSE days.
This morning I was once again screaming about how almost a year ago, Satoshi from Girugamesh spit on me. Oh yes... You know you guys are JELLY!!! It was at their concert, and he put water in his mouth and spit it all over the crowd. I got some in my mouth, and me and the gay guy who helped me get closer to the stage high-fived each other xD He was super nice! Very tall too. I was in a sea of tall people, and another one of the boys (who had been screaming for Satoshi to take off his shirt the whole concert) had to point it out in the middle of the concert by screaming at the top of his lungs "YOU'RE SO SHORT!!!"
Oh thanks guy, I hadn't noticed xD
But he was cool.
Anyway, back to the present.
I'm currently working on a new story (finally getting back to writing though I should really be finishing one of my novels instead of starting a new one) and my book-in-progress count is up to 14. And 5 of them have over 50 pages xD
I need to stop.
Bleh bleh bleh.
Well now I'm bored of this *huzzah*!
And also...

Since I was talking about the concert, I figured ANOTHER GIRUGAMESH MEMBER!!! Nii ^-^ He is sooo pretty, especially in person! I was closest to him at the concert; I could have touched him if I tried. I'm also jealous of his hair... and his legs are so long and gorgeous. He and Ryo were probably the nicest when I got their autographs and SHOOK THEIR HANDS!!! *Swoon*

Thursday, March 15, 2012

わたし たべます だいどころ!!!

It's true. I do eat my kitchen. 
Learning Japanese is proving to be hilarious simply because I can say things like the title, and people think it's super awesome. I'm saying, "I eat my kitchen," or something along those lines. Not sure how correct it is, I'm still learning ^-^; Lol I'm trying to be correct at being incorrect.
That's all I've got for today, actually. 
Siha messaged me back on Facebook from his trip to tell me he couldn't talk now, but he'd tell me all about it later! ^-^ He could have just ignored me, right? 
I think I over react to every little thing he does sometimes. But hey, I'm eating my kitchen! You gonna tell me I can't??? I have a strong jaw. Watch out! 
But seriously. Looks like Tuesday was just a bad day... I'm not angry anymore! xD Plus Siha will be back in a few days. HAHA! 
And also... 
(I actually don't feel like doing this) 

Well I guess... MEN of the day! These are more kpop stars, twins Youngmin and Kwangmin! They're sooo adorable!!! They're from the band Boyfriend. Love them! And I find the last picture to be just the epitome of hilarity. Lol I did something and the pictures got messed up, so now there are floating white rectangles xD Oh technical difficulties, what would I do without you? And now they're fixed!!! What the heck xD

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Horrible Horrible Game

Mass Effect 3... was the WORST MOST ANGRIFYING THING EVER!!!!
Warning: I am going to rant. My day has not been going very well.
So, apparently you have to do every single little obscure quest on Mass Effect 3 to have any hope against the reapers. So, of course, I did not do all of the little obscure quests, and at the end; EVERYBODY DIED. I was sobbing so hard I couldn't get up. Three games I went through with this Shepard... I created character development, and got really attached to all of the characters, and in the last game, they all drop like flies and my Shepard dies.
SO! I'm going to have to play all over again and figure out how to get the best possible ending. Your Shepard lives, but it doesn't show what happens. Joker and Kaidan (I think, in the video it was Ashley) are alive. Still doesn't show crap.
Bioware is going to have a bunch of raging fans on its hands.
So, of course I was upset about that. For some reason that game really got to me. I've never gotten so worked up over a video game.
So, I come to school today. Captain Fat and Ugly (a freak at my school who 'helped me' start the anime club, by doing nothing) came up and bothered me again. I found out that poor Mojo was sick :( That was saddening! And I find out that Siha has run off to Hawaii for the week. Also, come to find out, he's going to be gone a lot until he leaves to go back to his home country.
I'm stupid. I'm going to miss him so much, and knowing me I'll never tell him how I feel, and I'll never do anything about it.
So after all of that: I get back my math test! The one I took after a week of NOT going over the material. Bad grade. Much anger. I'm still so angry that I'm shaking and feel sick, and really want to throw something heavy at a window and scream my head off.
I'm really tired of myself. I'm such an awful little person. I can't do crap right, and I get so distracted by Siha and video games that I can't even get good grades.
Though it isn't completely my fault. The teacher put crap on the tests that we have NEVER done in class. And I NEVER blame the teacher for my grades.
I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm never going to get anywhere in my life because I just can't do anything right. I can't get good grades so I can't go to a good college and follow my dream of going to live in Japan. I can't even tell a boy I like him, or ask him to do anything. All I ever do is get scared and run away. I'm super tired of it.
But the positives!
Trying to think.
Well crap.
I can always find something positive!
At least the anime con is in just three months!  Which means Siha will be gone soon...
And also...

I did get to watch Ninja Warrior all weekend; hence the Hitsohi Kanno!!! I find him endlessly hot with his funny eyebrows and soul patch. Don't judge! He may not be a celebrity, but he's still attractive.
Phew, I feel much better now.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Well then.
So today was boring. Yesterday was very busy! Lol and I keep getting more and more confused. I wish I could read minds sometimes. But only certain people's minds! >.> I can name multiple people whom I would NEEEVEEERRR wanna read the minds of. What was that grammar just then? xD Skills!
But yes.
I've been wondering a whole lot lately. It's interfering with my school work!!! I just want to get all of it over with... but I won't. My relationship with Siha is too great right now to mess with; I mean, at least we're friends. Argh, he's so weird, but I love him anyway! xD
Oh well.
I'm just tired and ready to play Mass Effect 3 all weekend... of course I have to do my homework as well, but you know the drill. Procrastinate!!!
Neh... I have nothing to say without complaining. And I don't feel like complaining at the moment; my day has been fine enough, except for a few little things. It's just nice to have this week over with...
and also...
Man of the day! So excited... can't you tell?

 Oh Gerard Butler. Your manliness is astonishing. I love you, sir, and many of your other 300 brethren.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wow... It's been a lot of days...

Huh... I forgot to post!
Well I guess homework has been killing me a little bit for the past few days... Of course right after I get the best game in the history of games!
I love Mass Effect 3... even though it couldn't import my massively hot man-Shepard's awesome face. I had to recreate it, and it took an hour, and now he has a giant chin that I just can't seem to ignore. Bleh! Lol I'm sooo sleep deprived right now.
The test the other day was awful. Five hours!!! I mean seriously, it was a pain. And I found out later that day that Siha thought I was a senior... I'm not sure what to think of this at alllll. Is this a compliment? Or an insult? OR THE VERY REASON WE MAY NEVER BE TOGETHER IN MY WHOLE LIIIIFEEEE??? Just kidding. I have no clue! ^-^; Maybe I should stop worrying about that, and just worry about my school work as I usually do.
It's official that I have no life out of school and saving the galaxy from the Reaper threat with my so-very-awesome manly man Kaiden, and my other so-very-awesome manly alien Thane (if he ever reappears).
I need a boyfriend xD Oh I really do.
It would be so entertaining.
Well that's it.
And also...
In the spirit of ME3...

I added the first picture because it made me LOL. He is a hairy Italian man. But yes... Kaidan!!! Mass Effect 3!!! yeah!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Holy Crap!!!

Well, I got sick. I got really nauseous today at school, and almost passed out, THEREFORE! I went home. The sad thing is, I went home and took some medicine, and now I'm fine and want to go back -.- I can't afford to miss any more days! I was planning on perfect attendance this semester! But no. I've missed a day and now I have B's in two of my classes... OH THE FAIL! T-T
But on the bright side...
I got to talk to Siha today! :D He walked up to me this morning and we discussed manga for a moment, then he just awkwardly walked off xD He's so cute! I wonder why he just walks off like that for no reason... doesn't even say bye! I just said something to Dadlady (my female friend that I call Daddy), and he drifted away.
Oh well...
I hope my teacher got my half of the project in time. I couldn't find his email so it was a huge pain! Ugh. So now I sit at home all day and keep myself from doing anythign non-school related. I'm very sad to miss AP Lang and Comp with Mojo! D: I hope she lets me know what went down *cough* *cough*. Anywho. I have no more to talk about.
And also...

You guys knew it was coming... SATOSHI!!!! さとしーさま!!!I put the second one on there in remembrance of his curly adorable hair!!! Ahahaha he's so cute ^-^ and I met him! *cough* Couldn't find any better pictures either... But anyway! That's out of the way now, so Satoshi's time is up!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Well, today was pretty good!
I felt bad this morning after my volunteering, but with a good ol' dose of Midol (yes you needed to know that) I felt better and went out to Walmart, Target, and Gamestop with the parents, and pre-ordered Mass Effect 3! >:D I had to... and now I will be going with my friend Dread-head to pick it up on Tuesday, wearing my N7 shirt! すごい です ね!!!!I'm a cool kid! :P
But I've been irked all day. I haven't gotten on Facebook or the internet besides this blog because I'm *quite* tired of a certain someone who is messaging me.
For blogging purposes we shall call him... Floggy (not sure why). So, Floggy is a guy who has asked me out several times. In all three attempts I may have neglected to give him an answer... but that's not the point! So he begins messaging me again, and since we're friends, I'm like eh kay, I'll communicate. So we talk for a while and get onto the issue of self esteem. So I've been having some issues with getting B's, and haven't been the best in the confidence department, and just wanted to talk about something. So I do talk about how I feel about myself and I really just pour my heart out and all he can come up with is; "well you may not be very pretty but you don't look like a troll." and proceeded to ignore everything I had just said... JUST what I needed to hear! Sure I don't think I'm pretty, but come on!!! He could have mentioned SOMETHING ELSE instead of rubbing it in my face with his chubby fingers!!!!!! So, my confidence has taken another plummet thanks to that stupid head and I didn't feel like getting on any of my favorite sites at all -.- Seriously, I can't imagine going out with that jerk! Imagine me asking him if my hair looked okay and him saying "well you may not be very pretty but you don't look like a troll."
Fer serious!
And so now I feel like there is no chance of my ever telling Siha how I feel... EVER.
But other than that, my day has indeed been quite good; filled with lots of yummy coffee, and my adorable kitty cats! :D Now, off to my gaming session! I must attempt to beat Mass Effect 2 on my man Shepard before Tuesday!
And also...

Awh! Look at lil' L.Joe! His real name is Lee Byung Hun. かわいい です ね!!! Does anybody else find it hilarious that I've only posted Korean guys, yet I'm typing in Japanese? xD I need to learn Korean after I finish Japanese.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Only at my school (and also videogames)

I get the point that getting people to donate money by playing an obnoxious song over the intercom is epic... but how long will this go on??? All week, I swear! I've already heard the Hamster Dance too many times in my life, they're just making it worse.
Anyway! :D
So I apparently have a lot of work to do again this weekend, but instead of working on that work, I'm sitting here blogging... yeah! >:D So much awesome, right? No, no I am just a sad little person, who desperately needs to get Mass Effect 3! I will also be volunteering, and starting art projects and stuff for said volunteering (I was attacked by the lady that takes in volunteers because of my punkloli Red Queen's Black Legion skort *すごい です ね!) so I expect it to be a busy little weekend.
And in the meantime, all I can think about is Siha (my most favorite boy in the wooorld). -.- I annoy myself to no end on occasion. I never talk to him anymore, so maybe I should just come out with it, and get it over with so I can stop obsessing over what to do.
I don't know!
It's times like this when I wish I was pretty.
But at least my (partial) book is being published, and released! >:D I figure that's something at least.  Still can't wait for ME3. Just saw the trailers last night and spazzed out to the max! It looks so epic, and from what I've heard: it will be much better than the last!
Oh well, that's all I have for today... I'm boring. :P
and also...

Look at dat body! He is so darn gorgeous, and he's a great actor and singer! A wonderful specimen, right there.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

First pooost?!!?!?!

So this is blogging is it?
Well, I got so bored, and I saw Mojo and others blogging in AP Lang and Comp, and decided; HEY! Why don't I do that? Oh yes, this is me being a copy-cat. I figured it would ease the boredom.
Most of this will be me ranting... about men... because this is what I do! I may also post some writing, or anything of the sort, but mostly it'll just be me being bored... on the Internet. Sigh. I have to admit, this makes me feel a tidbit tacky. Oh well! I'm free to do whatever I like! ありがとう、 ございます! So yeah.
Take that? >3<
Now! Man of the day time!!!

The first one ever...
Bang Min Soo... He has a brilliant neck. Otherwise known as C.A.P.